Sunday, August 17, 2014

End of Summer...

It is hard to believe that the end of summer is almost here!  Where has time gone, didn't the students just walk across the floor at graduation and now its time to think about them getting back into the swing of things.  It seems like no matter how hard as teachers we try to plan ahead and organize to make our little domain's run smoothly it is always an adjustment in getting to know your new kids, preparing for your classes, making sure your room looks "just right" for that first day of school (clean-organized and if your me, hopefully a LITTLE bit of cuteness) and getting back into the routine of living by bells- bells that tell you when to start and stop teaching, when to go to lunch, when to run to make copies, and when to go to the bathroom... its amazing how we program ourselves to respond to the sound of those bells!

My fellow teachers come back to work this week.  It is amazing how your coworkers become extensions of your family and you look forward to seeing them and celebrating life with them!  I know our staff is excited and nervous as we have had a LOT of administrative changes this year and aren't quite for sure what to expect yet.  There is a total different feeling in our school than at the end of the year last year, an excitement for what will be and a slight fear because of the changes that have taken place in a short time.

As we gear up for the weeks to come- I wanted to share a project I have been working on to help those of you who are preparing to find that balance of work and home yet again, or those who have kids and a whole new set of things to learn for the next year.  I wanted to take a moment and share something that will hopefully help you for the next 3 months (if you choose to utilize them) or for when life is so busy you can't see straight (which happens more frequently this time of year).  Please take a moment to check out the link below which directs you to 11 weeks (as of right now) worth of menu plans and grocery lists that on average prepares between 5-7 dinners for your family, can feed a family of four for around $150 a week (some weeks are more, some are less depending on what you have in the freezer and pantry and if you buy in bulk when sales are on).  I hope that this helps take some of the burden off of you in the year to come- and I hope you enjoy a week (or eleven) off from the pressure of balancing school and home.

Taste of the Blue Ridge Weekly Meal Plans

May God bless you in the school year to come and may your students get to know Him through you and your actions.  Although every day is not going to be great, may we remember that we have one of the greatest careers on earth and can be an influence on the lives of youth within our community.  May we be a positive influence when they have none at home.  May we be a shoulder for them to lean on when life hands them lemons.  May we be there to celebrate their accomplishments.  May we provide a safe haven and environment so they may grow.  May we provide memories that last a lifetime.  And somewhere along the way- may we provide them lessons about life in addition to the curriculum(s) we teach.

With lots of love and blessings-  Momma P

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